250 = 2 x 53.
250 has two representations as a sum of two squares: 250 = 52 + 152 = 92 + 132.
250 is the smallest multidigit number such that the sum of the squares of its prime factors equals the sum of the squares of its digits.
13 + 33 + 33 = 55, 53 + 53 = 250 and 23 + 53 + 03 = 133.
250 is 505 in base 7.

In the year 250, Diophantus writes Arithmetica, the first systematic treatise on algebra.
Source: The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers, rev. ed., by David Wells.
13 + 33 + 33 = 55, 53 + 53 = 250 and 23 + 53 + 03 = 133.
250 is 505 in base 7.

In the year 250, Diophantus writes Arithmetica, the first systematic treatise on algebra.
Source: The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers, rev. ed., by David Wells.