73 is a prime number.
73 is the least number of sixth powers needed to represent every possible integer.
73 is the smallest number (besides 1) that is one less than twice its reverse: 2 x 37 – 1 = 73.
73 is the alphanumeric value of the word NUMBER: 14 + 21 + 13 + 2 + 5 + 18 = 73.

Pi Day occurs on the 73rd day of the year (March 14), except during leap years.
Source: Number Gossip
73 is the least number of sixth powers needed to represent every possible integer.
73 is the smallest number (besides 1) that is one less than twice its reverse: 2 x 37 – 1 = 73.
73 is the alphanumeric value of the word NUMBER: 14 + 21 + 13 + 2 + 5 + 18 = 73.

Pi Day occurs on the 73rd day of the year (March 14), except during leap years.
Source: Number Gossip