260 has two representations as a sum of two squares: 260 = 22 + 162 = 82 + 142.
The sum of the first 260 primes minus the sum of the gaps between them is a prime number.
The sum of the first 260 primes minus the sum of the gaps between them is a prime number.
260 is the sum of two distinct powers of 2: 260 = 28 + 22.

260 is the number of ways that six non-attacking bishops can be placed on a four-by-four chessboard.
The number of weekdays in a year is 260, 261, or 262.
Source: Prime Curios!

260 is the number of ways that six non-attacking bishops can be placed on a four-by-four chessboard.
The number of weekdays in a year is 260, 261, or 262.
Source: Prime Curios!