36 = 22 x 32. It is a perfect square.
36 is 100100 in base 2 (binary). It is 44 in base 8.
36 has a unique representation as a sum of three squares: 36 = 22 + 42 + 42.
36 is the smallest number with four representations as a sum of two distinct primes: 36 = 5 + 31 = 7 + 29 = 13 + 23 = 17 + 19.
36 is the 8th triangular number (the sum of the first eight numbers). There are not many numbers that are both square and triangular. The first four are 1, 36, 1225, and 41616.
36 is the sum of the first three cubes: 13 + 23 + 33.
36 is the smallest number to have nine different factors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36.

William Shakespeare wrote 36 plays.
Source: Phillips, R. 1994 Numbers: Facts, Figures and Fiction. Cambridge University Press.