Friday, August 6, 2010


612 = 22 x 32 x 17.

612 has a representation as a sum of two squares: 612 = 62 + 242.

612 is a number whose square (374544) and cube (229220928) use different digits.

612 can be represented as two consecutive sums of consecutive numbers: 612 = 64 + 65 + . . . + 71 + 72 = 73 + 74 + . . . + 79 + 80.

612 is 4422 in base 5 and 1144 in base 8; it is 2500 in base 6 and 750 in base 9; it is 211200 in base 3 and 21210 in base 4 and 220 in base 17.

612 is a telephone area code for Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota.

Source: Numeropedia
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