2357 is the smallest prime that contains all of the prime digits.
2357 has a representation as a sum of two squares: 2357 = 262 + 412.
2357 is the hypotenuse of a primitive Pythagorean triple: 23572 = 10052 + 21322.
22 + 33 + 55 + 77 is prime.
2357 is the sum of consecutive primes in at least two ways: 773 + 787 + 797 = 2357 and 461 + 463 + 467 + 479 + 487 = 2357.
2357 is the smallest number whose square begins with 4 identical (prime) digits: 23572 = 5555449.

2357 is the number of pies used in the filming of The Great Race, which has a famous pie-throwing scene.
Source: Prime Curios!
22 + 33 + 55 + 77 is prime.
2357 is the sum of consecutive primes in at least two ways: 773 + 787 + 797 = 2357 and 461 + 463 + 467 + 479 + 487 = 2357.
2357 is the smallest number whose square begins with 4 identical (prime) digits: 23572 = 5555449.

2357 is the number of pies used in the filming of The Great Race, which has a famous pie-throwing scene.
Source: Prime Curios!