268 = 22 x 67.
268 has a unique representation as a sum of three squares: 268 = 62 + 62 + 142.
The product of 268 and the sum of its digits plus one is prime: 268 * (2 + 6 + 8) + 1 = 4289, a prime.
268 is the smallest number whose product of digits is six times the sum of its digits: 2 * 6 * 8 = 6(2 + 6 + 8).
268 is 414 in base 8.

268 inches of 1/8-inch copper wire weigh 1 pound.
Source: Prime Curios!
The product of 268 and the sum of its digits plus one is prime: 268 * (2 + 6 + 8) + 1 = 4289, a prime.
268 is the smallest number whose product of digits is six times the sum of its digits: 2 * 6 * 8 = 6(2 + 6 + 8).
268 is 414 in base 8.

268 inches of 1/8-inch copper wire weigh 1 pound.
Source: Prime Curios!