908 = 22 x 227.
908 can be expressed as 67 + 179 + 283 + 379. When any three of these primes are added together, the result is a perfect square. 908 is the smallest sum of four primes that has this property.
908 can be expressed as 67 + 179 + 283 + 379. When any three of these primes are added together, the result is a perfect square. 908 is the smallest sum of four primes that has this property.
908 is an even number that is not the sum of two primes, each of which is one of a pair of twin primes.
908 is the smallest of three consecutive integers divisible by three consecutive primes respectively: 908 is divisible by 2, 909 is divisible by 3, and 910 is divisible by 5.

908 is the telephone area code for New Brunswick, N.J.
Source: Prime Curios!

908 is the telephone area code for New Brunswick, N.J.
Source: Prime Curios!