717 = 3 x 239.
717 is also a palindrome in base 2: 1011001101.
717 is the largest three-digit palindrome such that if it is raised to the sum of its digits plus the sum of its digits plus one, the result is a prime number: 717(7+1+7) + (7 + 1 + 7) + 1.
The sum of the squares of the 717 consecutive primes starting from 1847 and 6959 is in both cases palindromic: 18708380781 and 77817671877.

The Boeing 717 was a twin-engine, single-aisle jet airliner for about 100 passengers.

Source: Prime Curios!
717 is the largest three-digit palindrome such that if it is raised to the sum of its digits plus the sum of its digits plus one, the result is a prime number: 717(7+1+7) + (7 + 1 + 7) + 1.
The sum of the squares of the 717 consecutive primes starting from 1847 and 6959 is in both cases palindromic: 18708380781 and 77817671877.

The Boeing 717 was a twin-engine, single-aisle jet airliner for about 100 passengers.

Source: Prime Curios!