632 is a happy number. Take the sum of the squares of the digits of a number. Repeat the operation. If the result is eventually 1, the original number is happy: 62 + 32 + 22 = 49; 42 + 92 = 97; 92 + 72 = 130; 12 + 32 + 02 = 10; 12 + 02 = 1.
632 is the number of different necklaces (that can't be turned over) possible with 13 beads, each bead being one of 2 colors.
632 is a member of the following sequence: Start with 1 and repeatedly reverse the digits and add 7 to the next term: 1, 8, 15, 58, 92, 36, . . . 526, 632, 243., . . .

The prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam, died in the year 632.
Source: Number Gossip

The prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam, died in the year 632.
Source: Number Gossip